
Hemp, otherwise known as Cannabis sativa L., is the non-intoxicating form of cannabis that is used for a variety of purposes. Traditionally, hemp is widely known for its use to create materials and textiles, such as clothing fabric, ropes, and much more. Today, hemp is used in many CBD products since the passing of the Farm Bill in 2018. Hemp, containing less than 0.3% THC, is allowed to be grown in the United States specifically for CBD products. However, it is worth noting that the laws surrounding CBD vary from state to state. 

Hemp is derived from the Cannabaceae family; however, it is different from marijuana. This means that it is the non-intoxicating form of cannabis. Oftentimes, people tend to confuse hemp with marijuana. Because hemp only contains a small percentage of THC, (0.3%), it does not result in psychoactive or euphoric-like effects, like marijuana. Therefore, hemp is grown for non-drug usage. 

An interesting fact about hemp is that different parts of the plant are used for different purposes. For example, hemp seeds are edible and nutritious and are commonly used as a protein-packed superfood for many individuals.

Who knew that hemp could be used for such a variety of purposes? Continue reading to learn more about the versatility of hemp and its many benefits.


What is Hemp Used For?

There are a variety of purposes for which hemp can be used. As mentioned previously, hemp is used to extract the CBD oil derived from it to use for a wide range of CBD products. CBD products can range from oils and tinctures to capsules, to gummies, to gels and creams, and much more. Since the passing of the Farm Bill in 2018, many different CBD products have been launched into the market in a variety of forms. This has shown an incredible increase in legal CBD products across the U.S. Since the legalization of these products, they can now be found in drug stores, grocery stores, and more. You should also bear in mind the laws surrounding CBD products containing hemp, as they vary from state to state. 

Beyond hemp being used in CBD products, it is also used in industrial products. Traditionally, hemp has been used to create materials and textiles, including clothing fabric, rope, and more. But did you know that hemp has many other industrial purposes as well? In fact, hemp is also used to create paper, biofuel, bioplastics, and hempcrete, making it highly sustainable.

Hemp is also used in food. For example, hemp seeds are nutritious and protein-rich seeds that can be eaten raw or made into an oil. Certainly, there is no shortage of which hemp can be used. 

And while both hemp and marijuana are derived from the same cannabis species, it is important to understand their genetic differences and distinguished uses of each. So for individuals who commonly get mixed up between the two, let’s reiterate: hemp is the non-intoxicating form of cannabis, therefore, it does not have the same effects as marijuana. With that being said, hemp can do a lot of things, but it won’t get you “high.”


How Long Has Hemp Been Around?

Hemp is a plant that has been around for ages. In fact, it is one of the oldest domesticated crops around. You can imagine the incredible uses it has served for thousands of years, such as to create paper, textiles, cords, ropes, and beyond. According to the Columbia History of the World, the oldest artifact containing hemp is a scrap of fabric that dates back to around 8,000 BC. That goes to show the significance of hemp, as it has been used for years and years for many useful purposes.

Key Differences between Hemp and Marijuana

As mentioned before, both hemp and marijuana are derived from the same cannabis species but come from different parts of the plant from the Cannabaceae family. 

Legally, the main difference between hemp and marijuana is the fact that each contains different tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. THC is a chemical found in the cannabis plant that results in feeling “high.” Hemp only contains 0.3% of THC so this means that it is non-intoxicating, as opposed to marijuana.

Is Hemp Good For Sustainability?

Hemp is a completely natural plant fiber that derives from the cannabis plant. Hemp is highly sustainable, given that it is the least harmful to the environment and requires little maintenance to grow and replenish the soil in order to enhance soil health. Because hemp is biodegradable, yet highly durable, it can be effectively used for fabric, rope, along with other materials and textiles. The great thing about hemp being greatly sustainable is that it can be used for many different purposes, without harming the environment, such as:

  • Clothing
  • Ropes
  • Paper
  • Bioplastic
  • Biofuel
  • Hempcrete

However, the list doesn’t just stop there. Some other advantage that the environment can benefit from is the fact that hemp uses less water than cotton, as it requires little irrigation. In addition, it doesn’t require any chemicals, so it can be grown without the use of pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Because every part of the plant can be used, including the hemp seeds, there is zero waste involved. Lastly, hemp can improve soil health, as it naturally replenishes the soil and can even eliminate mercury and zinc in some areas, which are considered pollutants.

With time and extensive research, more and more products are inevitably likely to be derived from hemp, making the environment more sustainable than ever. Given that hemp can likely be grown anywhere in the world, in a variety of different soils, and climates, and requires little irrigation, this makes it one of the strongest and most sustainable plants and fibers of any source.

About Dripp Extracts

Our team at Dripp Extracts aims to be a reputable resource for education, providing valuable insight about hemp, cannabis, and related topics. We are dedicated to keeping you in the know of the latest news, developments, and information surrounding hemp, ensuring that you stay informed and connected. Learn more about hemp with Dripp Extracts at https://drippextracts.com/learn.

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